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Board Information


Governor's Workforce Investment Board Meeting Minutes


Quarterly Board Meeting
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Anne Arundel Community College Cade Center
Arnold, Maryland


Download the minutes (PDF document, 84KB, download Adobe Acrobat for free)

Martin G. Knott, Jr. (Chair) 
Adrian Chapman
Edward Chow, Jr.
B. Danny DeMarinis
George Failla
Alvin Hathaway
Leonard J. Howie, III
Sally Y. Jameson
Susan W. Krebs
Andrew B. Larson
Elliot Lasson
Roy Layne
Bel Leong-Hong
Lillian Lowery
Fred D. Mason, Jr.
Irving McConnell
Dan McDermott
Roya Mohadjer
Stephen Pannill
Deborah Rivkin
Lisa Rusyniak
Harold Stinger
Margaret A. Thomas
Sam Abed
John M. Belcher
Frank Chaney
Ulysses Currie
Theodore "Ted" Dallas
Donna M. Gwin
Greg Hershberger
Katherine Klausmeier
Gloria G. Lawlah
Larry Letow
Dawn Lindsay
Dominick Murray
Stephen K. Neal
Ronald R. Peterson (Vice Chair)
Marion W. Pines
Catherine Shultz
Curtis Valentine
Stephanie Amponsah
Eric Beane
Peggy Daw
Lloyd Day
Molly Dugan
Catherine Estevez
Faith Harland-White
Cindy Gurne
Scott Jensen
Barbara Kaufmann
Dean Kendall
Patricia Moore
Kirk Murray
Marsha Netus
Michael Newstead
Kathy Oliver
Leslie Pachol
Sue Page
Anthony Pegues
Erin Roth
Annabelle Sher
Karen Sitnick
Julie Squire
Jeffrey Swilley
Elizabeth Tatum
Angela Thornton
Walt Townshend
Jeff Trice
Francine Trout
Matt Weiss
Deb Wilburn
Alice Wirth
Collin Wojciechowski
Lynn M. Selby
Darla Henson
Diane Pabich

Ms. Lynn M. Selby, Executive Director, Governor's Workforce Investment Board (GWIB), called the meeting to order at 3:36 pm and welcomed all members to the June 2014 Quarterly meeting. She acknowledged the contributions of the outgoing board members and welcomed the new board appointments.

Ms. Selby then turned the meeting over to Martin G. Knott, Jr., GWIB, Chair. Mr. Knott welcomed everyone to the Quarterly Board meeting and asked the members of the Board to introduce themselves. He noted that a quorum was not present, so it was decided to proceed to the Local Workforce Investment Board (LWIB) presentation.

Mr. Knott introduced, Dan McDermott, Executive Director Upper Shore Workforce Investment Board and President of Maryland Workforce Investment Network. He spoke of the new concept workforce intermediaries, which are organizations that proactively focus on the needs of the employers, workers and jobseekers to meet workforce demands.

Mr. McDermott welcomed the group, gave a brief overview of Maryland's Workforce Investment Boards, and introduced the panel presenters from Maryland's Workforce Investment Areas. Jeffery Swilley, Acting Executive Director at Prince George's County Economic Development Corporation, Francine Trout, Director at Mid-Maryland Workforce Investment Area, Kirkland Murray, President and CEO at Anne Arundel Workforce Development Corporation and Karen Sitnick, Director of Baltimore City Mayor's Office of Employment Development (MOED).

Jeffrey Swilley provided a brief summary on the Youth Career Connect Grant program. The ultimate goal is to help students receive their high school diploma/GED, obtain employer recognized credentials and enroll in post-secondary education to increase their employability for future in demand jobs.

Francine Trout shared who the long- term unemployed customers are in her local workforce investment area and the overall impact long-term unemployment has on this population, particularly their ability to regain employment.

Kirk Murray presented the benefits of sector initiatives for businesses, job seekers and the community. Sector initiatives are highly responsive to industry demand when compared to traditional job matching. He spoke about the Anne Arundel County strategy on putting industries together to hear their business needs. He also shared innovative ways to meet the emerging needs of businesses.

Karen Sitnick highlighted the role of the local workforce investment boards. One- Stop Centers are the hub of statewide service delivery for workforce and business services. These Centers through partnerships with other local, state, education and economic development organizations provide training opportunities for skill development, which makes job seekers more valuable for employers. Ms. Sitnick spoke about the partnership of working with Caesars Hotel to assist in filling between 1,700 and 1,900 jobs in the Southeast Baltimore area.

Dan McDermott concluded with highlights, employment outcomes, and performance benchmarks for services received by individuals at the One-Stop Centers for the timeframe of July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013. He then thanked the WIBs for their presentation. Questions and discussion ensued, funding, structure and composition. This discussion will continue at the next Board meeting in September.

Mr. Knott commented that the WIBs are where the rubber hits the road. It would be great to see as a follow up at the next quarterly board meeting what your organizational structure and composition looks like.

Barbara Kaufman, Workforce Services Director for Montgomery County, extended an invitation to all Board members to visit the local One-Stop Centers.

Edward Chow, Jr. Secretary of Veterans Affairs provided information on the statewide campaign encouraging employers to hire Maryland's veterans. Operation Hire complements the supportive services already in place for veterans who are seeking employment across the One Stop Centers in the State. For more information, visit the website.

A quorum was present and a motion was made and seconded, to approve the minutes of the March 12, 2014, GWIB Board Meeting.

There being no other business, Mr. Knott thanked everyone and the meeting was adjourned at 5:45 pm.